Asgard’s Vision
Asgard’s Vision for Our Planet

Our business has a long-term commitment to reducing energy consumption, as we cut our reliance on fossil fuels. We aim to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 across Scope One and Two, with an overall target of achieving Net Zero by 2050 or before. We aim to use science-based targets and precise data capturing to understand our real contribution to climate change reduction, managing our progress towards a de-carbonised economy for the future.

We understand the risks to the resources we rely upon and so we take steps to conserve, capture and repurpose. We will continue to explore and assess the feasibility of water storage and its repurposing across our office and manufacturing sites, while educating staff on responsible consumption of our valuable resources.

We strive to reduce not only the amount of waste in landfill but also in recycling through responsible consumption and conversations with our main suppliers. At present, almost 100% of our waste is diverted from landfill through recovery. We seek to eliminate much of our waste through evolving the design-process.

As a key indicator of a healthy environment, we recognise our potential in actively playing a role in the conservation, promotion, and restoration of biodiversity in our locality. We are fully committed to restoring biodiversity locally in line with recognised organisations and strategies, while collaborating with other industries and Community Partnerships to achieve maximum impact.